About Us
We reside on a small farm in Southwestern Pennsylvania and started our journey in 2018 when we purchased our small farm. I started my childhood on a beef farm and my husband worked on a beef farm for a few years when he was younger. Our first animal purchase was two purebred Scottish Highlands in 2018. We became members of the AHCA (American Highland Cattle Association) and spent many hours researching and reading the wonderful traits associated with the Highland cattle. Their ease of calving, in addition to the longevity of the breed. We attempted AI (artificial insemination) on our two young heifers once they turned two with a well-known bull LEA Lars. One of the heifers settled and provided our first highland calf at Stone Fields Farm in 2021. Our first experience with calving was quite a surprise as mom had no issues calving and was a wonderful first-time mom. We were overjoyed and very excited to have more calves in the future which led us to the purchase of OG Leap’s Over The Top Reg # 62,710 better known on our farm as Ott. Ott brings some very good genetics to our farm, his sire is STR Ruthless Game (Reserve Grand Champion at the National Western Show) and his dam is SFF Leap of Faith.
We began to purchase other animals to fill up our little homestead. We purchased several chickens and sell farm fresh eggs to family, friends, coworkers, and the community.
We obtained a small herd of dappled Boer goats to include four does and our buck Leonidas! We have the pleasure of a few new arrivals each year and look forward to meeting new families. The kids grow up rather quickly and getting to choose their new homes is a joy.
We purchased our first Mediterranean miniature donkeys in 2019 starting with two very young jennies. We are active members in the ADMS (American Donkey and Mule Society). We acquired another jenny and a jack a brief time later. Our jack (Fireman) has proven to be an excellent producer and provided us three wonderful babies in the spring of 2023.
In 2023 we started showing our highland cattle, our first show was MAHA (Mid Atlantic Highland Association) Spring Classic in Butler, PA. We had a very wonderful experience meeting other breeders and learning presentation of animals for showing. Our two young heifers placed 3rd and 4th in their classes, and we could not have been more excited and proud!
We welcome farm visits and enjoy sharing our experiences with others!
“Thank you, Lord, for the blessings you have bestowed on my life.”
The Lancaster’s
Carl, Marcy, Nate & Trent